For AuthorsA set of rules for the direction, review and publication of articles in Turbines and Diesels journal 1. Requirements for articles Articles of scientific and practical significance are accepted for publication, the material of which is published in the open press for the first time. The originality of the text is not less than 75%. The number of authors is no more than six. Text materials submitted to the editorial office should be in Microsoft Word format, illustrations for articles should be in the form of bitmaps in TIFF, PSD, EPS formats, CMYK colour-grade, 300 dpi resolution. The file with the article should be called: "Surname of the first author – The title of the article" (3-5 words from the title). The article should be typed in 12-point font (Times New Roman) in a text editor, with paragraph indentation. The volume of the article should not exceed 10-15 pages (approximately 18000-25000 characters), including an abstract, information about the authors, in Russian and English, drawings, references, captions. The article should be typed in 12-point font (Times New Roman) in a text editor, with paragraph indentation. The volume of the article should not exceed 10-15 pages (approximately 18000-25000 characters), including an abstract, information about the authors, in Russian and English, drawings, references, captions. Abstract should be in Russian and English in the amount of 1500-2500 characters with spaces. It should be informative and contain the main theses from all sections of the article (introduction indicating the purpose of the work, methodology, main part). Keywords – 10-20 words in Russian and English. Full author's data is required, indicating the author's surname, first name, patronymic, academic degree or title, place of work, position, phone numbers and email address. The illustrative material (photos, drawings, graphs - no more than 15) attached to the article should be numbered and have a caption in Russian (the number of illustrations should correspond to the number of references in the text). All designations in formulas must be deciphered. When presenting the material, it is mandatory to comply with the applicable standards for terminology and designation of physical units in accordance with the International System of Units (SI). In the main part of the article, it is recommended to maintain the following structure: an introduction with a description of the problems and relevance of the work, a brief overview of research on this topic, a statement of the research task; materials and methods with a description of the selected approaches in the study, accepted assumptions; results and their analysis with discussion, recommendations for use and further development of the study; conclusion with conclusions on work. The list of references includes only published works that are referenced in the article. The number of references should be at least 10-20, self–citation - no more than 20% (it is recommended that the number of references to works published over the past 10 years should be at least half). In the text of the article, bibliographic references are given in numbers in square brackets: [1, 2, 3, 4]. The list of references is compiled in the order in which the titles of the works are mentioned in the text of the article (approx. Foreign sources are placed at the end of the list in a similar order, regardless of the order of mention in the article). 2. Peer review All materials submitted to the editorial office that correspond to the subject of the journal are subject to review. The reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of the submitted materials who have published on this topic over the past 3 years. The article is sent for review to a member of the editorial and publishing council in charge of the relevant direction / scientific discipline. The review of manuscripts is carried out confidentially, in order to protect the rights of the author. Violation of confidentiality is possible in the case of a reviewer's statement about the falsification of the submitted materials. Based on the review, a decision is made and communicated to the author: to accept the manuscript for publication, to return it for revision (comments, recommendations and deadlines are brought to the attention of the author) or to refuse publication (a reasoned refusal is sent to the author). The editorial board of the publication must send copies of licenses or a reasoned refusal to the authors of the submitted materials, and also undertakes to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a corresponding request to the editorial office. The terms of reviewing the articles are determined by the editor-in-chief of the journal, taking into account the most prompt response to the author of the publication, and are no more than 30 working days from the date of their receipt by the reviewer. Upon receipt of a positive review, the editorial board informs the author about the admission of the article to publication, indicating the publication dates. The reviews are kept in the editorial office of the publication for 5 (five) years. 3. Publication in the journal Articles corresponding to the subject of the journal are published after receiving a positive review and approval by the editorial board of the publication.
Before publishing in Turbines & Diesels magazine the articles are reviewed and submitted by the editorial board. Reviewing period comes up to 2 months. Article requirements:
The information can be sent in electronic version by E-mail (no more than 10 Mb) or on CD (PC). >>
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